Experimental Jetset on scavenging the ruins of Modernism


« They might describe their work as ‹ scavenging the ruins of Modernism › but Experimental Jetset’s graphic design output is neither dated nor derivative. It is simply conscious of its origins and place in design history. The Dutch studio’s members – Danny van den Dungen, Erwin Brinkers and Marieke Stolk – see their work as an archive of influences harvested mainly from the era of Modernism. The trio have worked together since 1997 after meeting as students at Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. They focus on a wide variety of projects, mainly printed matter and site-specific installations.

In this presentation from Design Indaba Conference 2014, they trace their career as an ‹ alphabet › of influences, from A to Z, showing inspirational ideas, people or movements alongside examples of their own produced work. » (cit.designindaba.com)